HOME SWEET HOME Their's no place like Home. It's where You live. But....imagine getting stuck in someone elses home, far far away. It happened to us in this next silly story. This story is for an AOL member Who asked Me to write another story. So for that AOL member, here it is. In this story, in a night's sleep which seems normal, we have one of those dreams were we are taken someplace far away. This is not where someone offers us the trip, rather we appear to be on a castle far far away. In the beginning of this dream, we end up being in this castle, struggling to find a way to get home. While on that castle, we entrust a little guy dressed in Green, whose name is Pidge, to keep our presence a secret. We try to make the best of our stay, following Pidge's rules. He tells us where we are, and we tell Him stores of our own about things from earth like TV, Movie, etc. Stuff that's not on that planet. After looking around. We find a way to get home and we do get home, but now we're stuck with one extra person, Pidge, who wants very much to return to His home planet. Will we ever be able to return Him home before our dream ends? Let's fund out. THEIR'S NO PLACE LIKE HOME. It was a normal evening for us, Billy and I were at Billy's house. He invited Me to have dinner at His house. I helped Him make dinner for us. He put a frozen pizza on the oven, while I cut up some vegitables. I was making salad for us to eat. After Billy put the pizza in the oven and I had finished the salad, we went in Billy's living room. Billy turned on the TV. Jeopardy was on. "So Eddie, how does it feel to have dinner with Me tonight?" Asked Billy. "It's fine, I hardly ever had dinner with You. I always invited You to *My* House. And I always seemed to make the dinner." I Said. "Now I'm making the dinner. So now I'm the host, and You're the guest." Said Billy. "That's right, Billy." I Said. "Let's watch some Jeopardy, now, shall we?" Asked Billy. "Yes, sure Billy." I Said. We sat together as best friends. We watched Jeopardy for a while, we guessed the questions to the answers we can guess. Most of them were hard, but some we knew. After Jeopardy was over, Billy went over to check the Pizza. It was warm cooked, a little well done. That's the way I liked frozen pizza. Billy seemed to like it too. He took it out and set it on the big platter. He then set the platter of pizza table in His dining room to cool off. Wheel of Fortune was coming on. After waiting 10 minutes we sat down together and had pizza. I ate two slices, and Billy ate 2 slices. And then came the salad that I put together. It consisted of the basic vegitables, You know, cucumbers, lettuce, tomatoes, and carrots. Their was no dressing Just plain salad was what I liked. Billy liked it too. We listened to Wheel of Fortune on the TV in the living room. After we finished eating, Billy asked Me how I enjoyed My stay at His house. "So Ed, how did You like Your stay at My house?" Asked Billy. "It was great, Billy. I hope to come again some other time." I told Billy. "Goodbye Eddie. I will see You online also." Billy replied. I giggled, "Okay, Billy. See You." Billy closed the door as a walked away. I walked for about 15 minutes back to My house. I took out My key, I opened the door, and I settled down. I went to My room to changed into My pajamas. Then I went to My computer. I turned it on and then signed on to AOL to check My e-mail. I didn't have much e-mail, just a couple of letters from My friends online such as Bell, Billy, and Ann. I also get a password advisory from Arlone not to download anything. After checking My mail, I chatted a little bit, read some boards, played a few games, and then I signed off. I realized I did a lot more then just check My e-mail. But AOL had unlimited usage and I didn't have to worry about being billed for the hour I spent. Now it was time to goto sleep. I got into bed, turned on the TV, and watched the news. After a half hour of watching, I was tired. I finally turned off the TV. I then closed My eyes and fell fast asleep. It seemed to be a normal sleep I had. However, when I woke up, I found Myself sleeping in a different bed. It was not My bed. Someone else was sleeping in the bed too. It was someone with brown hair. Billy was also sleeping opposite of Me. This was extremely strange. How did Billy get into the bed I was sleeping in...I mean the bed I'm in right now, this was NOT My bed. I quietly rose and saw I was not even in My room. Their was no TV, Dresser, etc. I couldn't even see My alarm clock. I was as though Me and Billy were teleported to this strange room by Zordon. It was a possibility. But why would He put us in someone else's bedroom? I carefully arose, trying not to wake up the boy. I tapped Billy to wake Him up. Billy woke up. He too was surprised to fine Himself in the same bed as Me. "Eddie, where are we?" He asked. "Shhhhh! You'll wake up that little boy! Then He'll tell His parents we broke in to this house." I whispered. "Okay, do You have any idea where we are?" Whispered Billy. "No, I don't. We sure aren;t in Brooklyn anymore." I said. "Well, let's find a way out of here." Said Billy. "We will, but please don't talk too loud, or You'll wake up that boy." I Said. We tried to be as quiet as we can, but I noticed the boy was waking up. We tried to hide, but it was too late. He spotted us. "Who are You?" He asked us. "I'm Eddie, and He is Billy." I said. "What is Your name?" Asked Billy. "Pidge." replied the boy, then He asked, "What are You doing here?" "We don't know, but please don't tell Your parents we're here, We will try to get out of here unnoticed." Said Billy. "Okay," Said Pidge. "Please, Pidge, keep our presence a secret. We're entrusting You." I said. Pidge agreed. "Where are we anyway?" Asked Billy. "You are in the castle of lions, on planet arus." Said Pidge. It was just as we feared, we weren't in Brooklyn, and we were not even on Earth. "Well," I said, chuckling, "this castle doesn't seem to live up to its name. I mean, I see no lions here." I said. "Their are lion ships around this castle." Said Pidge. "Oh I see." Said Billy. "Who else lives here?" I asked. "I live with Queen Diane and Princess Allura, they rule this planet. I also live with Keith, Lance, Angelica, and Hunk." Said Pidge. We surely would have wanted to see these people. But then our presence would no longer be a secret. We were amazed, knowing their was another Earth Like planet. However, their was nothing to do. Their technology was different, their was no TV, no stores, etc. What did these people do for a living? Pidge told Me He is part of some team named "the voltron force" in which they fly space ships shaped like lions to fight an evil King named Zarkon. They can join these spaceships to forms a robot named "Voltron." This reminded us of Zordon's Megazord, but Voltron was good. I was not amused, it would be hard to imagine if we had to join had anyone else found out we were here. But that also would give us an idea! If we knew how to fly these spaceships, we could fly back to planet Earth! That would be our ticket out of here. It was a tough choice, but we decided to keep our presence a secret. "So, Eddie and Billy, we do You do for a living?" Asked Pidge. "We work at a store, selling things." I said. "When we're free, we watch movies, TV etc." Said Billy. "What is TV?" Asked Pidge. "It's a screen where You can watch shows. I wish we could show it to You." I said. We got board, sitting and talking. If we left the room, we'd surely be noticed. We told stories to Pidge about Space Jam, Jumanji, etc. They sounded like great stories to Him. But we couldn't show these things to Him unless we had a TV and VCR. Then He introduce us to His Mice. He had pets. "Wow, You seem to have pets to keep You company." Said Billy. "Yeah, they're cute, aren't they?" Asked Pidge. "Yes, You're lucky." I said. Pidge explained to us that the mice spoke in a language only He can understand. As we were playing with the mice, I heard footsteps. Allura and Diane were coming. "Quick!" Pidge panicked. "Hide in this closet!" "Okay," Said Billy. We hid. "Pidge, are You their?" Asked Diane. "Coming." He said. "I could have thought I heard somone." Said Diane. Pidge kept us a secret. He told them, "Oh it was just Your imagination." "Okay," Said Allura. "Be careful now." And She and Diane continued down the hall. "You can come out now, My friends." Said Pidge. "Thanks," I said. Pidge had nothing else to play with but His mice, no games, nothing. But we kept ourselves busy by exchanging stories. We couldn't risk leaving the room or someone else might spot us. Soon it was nighttime, and we went to sleep. Hopefully, we would reappear back home. But the next morning, we were still in Pidge's room. "Good morning, Pidge." I said. "Good morning.....what's Your name?" Asked Pidge. "Eddie, and He's Billy." I said. Someone was knocking on the door. "Who is that?" Asked Billy. "Bet it's not the Cable Guy." I said. "That's Keith." Said Pidge. We tiptoed into the closet once more and hid. "Pidge, open up we have to go..." He said. Pidge opened the door. Keith told Pidge that they had a mission. That probably meant they had to go on their spaceships. We were right. Pidge told us He'd return in an hour or so. Now we could go look around. I'm sure, they're all in their spaceships now, and the other people were watching. We walked down the halls, looking for something to get us back to Earth. We didn't find anything, we looked in Pidge's room, under His bed, and we found a peace of paper telling us how to get home! It read: "To get back home, hold hands with someone, close Your eyes, and repeat 'Their's no place like home' 10 times." "Let's try it, Eddie." Said Billy. "You bet, Billy, let's go before that kid Pidge returns." I said. We held hands, closed our eyes, and repeated 'Their's no place like home' but it didn't work! We were still in Pidge's Room! I read the instructions once again, and noticed it said that at least 3 people are needed to perform the trick. "I guess we need need Pidge for this." I said. "Yeah, well, let's wait for Him, and when He come back, He'll help us." Said Billy. We waited for 15 minutes, and He returned. "Hi Eddie, Billy." Said Pidge. "Hiya, Pidge, how was Your fight with that evil King?" Asked Billy. "We won, but He'll think of a new plan sooner or later, I'm afraid. He always does." Said Pidge. "Hey, Pidge, wanna try somthing with us? It's cool. I promise." I said. "Okay, what should I do?" Asked Pidge. "Hold My hand, Pidge. Billy, You hold My other hand." I said. We held hands. "Now Billy, Pidge, close Your eyes and on the count of 3, repeat 'Their's no place like home.' Ready? 1... 2... 3... " We all repeated: "Their's no place like home." for about 5 times. The trick was working! We could see ourselves being magically transported back to Earth. After saying "Their's no place like home for the tenth time, I was standing in front of My house next to Billy. We were home again! But Pidge also got transported to Earth with us and He didn't look too happy about it. "What happened? Where is My room?" Asked Pidge. "You're on Earth Pidge, the trick must have transported You here with us." I said. "How do I get back to Arus?" Asked Pidge. "Don't worry, Pidge. Our friend, Professor Hart will think of somthing." Said Billy. "If only I had My green lion I could fly back, but I don't." Said Pidge. Pidge agreed to stay with us, but He was sure His friends back on Arus would miss Him. Unfortunately, Pidge didn't have access to His spaceship and we didn't have access to the technology. Still, we hoped that Professor Hart would be able to make somthing that would transport Pidge back to Planet arus. We asked Pidge if we could intdroduce Him to our other friends, and He said it was okay. We walked over the Professor Hart's Lab introduced Him to Professor Hart. Professor Hart said He would work on somthing, but it was going to take some time. Professor Hart summoned the Planeteers to the Lab, and Pidge introduced Himself. "Hi, My name is Pidge. What is Yours?" He asked. "I'm Kwame," Said Kwame. "I'm Wheeler," Said Wheeler. "My name is Linka," Said Linka. "And I'm Mate." Said m,ate. "So, Professor. How long will Pidge stay here on Earth?" I asked. "I don't know, I hope I can get it done in a few months," Said Professor Hart. "A few months?!" Said Pidge. "That's a long time." "I know, but it's the only way, You'll be able to stay with us. Don't worry, I'm sure Your friends back on Arus will find someone to to fly Your spaceship," Said Kwame. "I'd like to stay with Eddie," Said Pidge. "At My house?" I asked. "Yes, You can show Me all the things You've got." Said Pidge. "But where will You sleep?" I asked Him. "At Your house." Said Pidge. "Okay, I think I have plenty of room." I said. At that we were ready to go home, Me, Billy, and Pidge travelled back to Brooklyn by train. "Bye Eddie," Said Mate. Now Pidge was not Your ordinary 13 Year old friend. He was very smart. When I introduced Him to AOL, He learned to use it in two days, and He got His own screen name (It was Pidge of course.) In case He wanted to travel, I taught Him how to use the Subway. I even gave Him His own MetroCard. As we got on to the Q Train to go to work, I told Pidge how to swipe His MetroCard. "Watch How I do it," I said. I swiped My MetroCard, then Billy swiped His, and the Pidge did it correctly. "So that's how You do it." Said Pidge. "Where do I go?" "If You wanna goto Manhattan, He got used to taking the subway. When He wanted to